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The Blend
General Information
General Info: Markers, Cardstock, and Other Supplies
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Digital Stamps (Not for use during the course)
Download: Ladybug, Ice Cream Treat, Oak Leaf stamps
Ladybug 1 - Natural Blending
Supply List: Ladybug
Print: Ladybugs and References
Video: Introduction (10:38)
Video: Ladybug 1 (23:12)
Next Week (for Ladybug 2)
Ladybug 2 - Creative Blending
Read: Why are we coloring the ladybug again?
Video: Ladybug 2.1 (20:39)
Video: Ladybug 2.2 (13:46)
Sample: Swatching with Tips
Read: A word about your blending combos today...
Read: The Back of Your Paper
Next Week (for Ladybug 3)
Ladybug 3 - Confident Blending
Video: Ladybug 3.1 (18:00)
Video: Ladybug 3.2 (22:39)
Read: White Pencils
Next Week (for Ladybug 4)
Ladybug 4 - Underpainting
Video: Ladybug 4.1 (15:13)
Video: Ladybug 4.2 (22:35)
Read: Why Do I Use Photo References?
Video: Ladybug Wrap-up (3:04)
Next Week (for Ice Cream Treat 1)
Interlude 1: Refill Your Markers
Video: How to Refill Copic Markers 1.1 (22:02)
Video: How to Refill Copic Markers 1.2 (18:06)
Interlude 2: Copic Numbering System
Video: The Copic Numbering System (24:58)
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Vanilla Undercover
Ice Cream Treat 1: Efficient Natural Blending (The Blend Zone)
Supply List: Ice Cream Treat
Print: Ice Cream Treat & References
Video: Intro 1 - The Ice Cream Challenge (6:29)
Video: Intro 2 - Liquid Ink (7:13)
Video: Ice Cream Treat 1.1 (25:07)
Video: Ice Cream Treat 1.2 (26:02)
Next Week (for Ice Cream Treat 2)
Ice Cream Treat 2: Efficient Creative Blending
Video: Ice Cream Treat 2.1 (16:10)
Video: Ice Cream Treat 2.2 (14:39)
Next Week (for Ice Cream Treat 3)
Ice Cream Treat 3: Confident Blending with Speed
Video: Ice Cream Treat 3 (23:35)
Next Week (for Ice Cream Treat 4)
Ice Cream Treat 4: Underpaint Blend Choices
Video: Ice Cream Treat 4.1 (13:30)
Video: Ice Cream Treat 4.2 (19:09)
Read: How to Interpret Stamp Lines
Next Week (for Oak Leaf 1)
Oak Leaf 1: Analogous Rebel Blending
Supply List: Oak Leaf
Print: Oak Leaf & References
Video: Intro 1 - Rebel Blending for Life (7:48)
Video: Intro 2.1 - Analogous Color Flows (19:23)
Video: Intro 2.2 - Analogous Color Flows (12:43)
Video: Intro 3 - Protecting Color (13:58)
Print: CMY Color Wheel
Video: Oak Leaf 1.1 (13:33)
Video: Oak Leaf 1.2 (15:59)
Next Week (for Oak Leaf 2)
Oak Leaf 2: Texture Over Blending
Video: Oak Leaf 2.1 (10:15)
Video: Oak Leaf 2.2 (18:33)
Next Week (for Oak Leaf 3)
Oak Leaf 3: Underpaint and Overpaint
Video: Oak Leaf 3.1 (17:14)
Video: Oak Leaf 3.2 (21:28)
Next Week (for Oak Leaf 4)
Oak Leaf 4: Rebel Blending for Realism
Video: Oak Leaf 4.1 (13:51)
Video: Oak Leaf 4.2 (21:50)
Video: Oak Leaf 4.3 (15:02)
Video: Oak Leaf 4.4 (20:42)
Video: The Blend Finale (9:57)
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